1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B - G - - - - - - - - - - - - - C - Y - - - - B I S T U U M - - D - N - - - - - - - - - - O - - E - T E M B S I C S - - A R O W F - R - - - - - - N P O V E R - G G O R E F I X - I - - - D - - H U N - - - - A L I E W A Y - - I Z I - - A E R E I D I E N S E J E J - - - - - - I - - - Q - L K D - - - - - - - P - - - U - F L A C H O O L A N E - - - O - V M N D T A T K E A O G R - T - A N T - - - - - - - - - - - - - L O H - - - - - - - - - - - - - E
Game 29, Score: 1388 tray:
14. arow [14] by magrathea.wv.cc.cmu.edu (bblom): a single stroke of an oar; alternatively, an idicator of drection.
13. elfvale [88] by cmu-375638.wv.cc.cmu.edu (wrensh): home of those with pointy ears
12. gyntronij [88] by magrathea.wv.cc.cmu.edu (bblom): popular in the Submerged Nations, similar to "jynnan-tonix", "chinanto-mnigs", and "gin-and-tonic" (H2G2)
11. tembsics [39] by cmu-375638.wv.cc.cmu.edu (wrensh).
10. bistuum [13] by mrph.andrew.cmu.edu (bblom): an uncountable set of italian restaurants.
9. npover [14] by pool-71-182-248-63.pitbpa.east.verizon.net (chrisamaphon): i'm not buying these two-letter crosses. citations needed.
8. gorefix [61] by magrathea.wv.cc.cmu.edu (bblom): video software or hardware particularly suited to rendering blood and guts. (i wanted to play "griefix": "a syllable appended to the front of a word to grant connotations of tragedy"...)
7. ndtatkeaogr [212] by pool-72-77-76-191.pitbpa.east.verizon.net (simmons).
6. moredynquot [263] by mrph.andrew.cmu.edu (bblom): a passage from scripture, no more than one or two lines. (formal, archaic)
5. guzedanth [306] by c-67-186-6-86.hsd1.pa.comcast.net (Tom 7): guzedanth: powdered myrrh. achoolane: nostril (colloq.)
4. choolane [88] by mrph.andrew.cmu.edu (bblom): the short-lived proposal of one ms. cynthia dunsmith - merging railroads and highway systems to save on maintenance costs.
3. sniiiip [11] by ppp-70-225-163-45.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net (McGuesterson).
2. aereidiens [140] by mrph.andrew.cmu.edu (bblom): the boundaries of the Floating Country, first recognised in the 2097 edition of the Oxford World Atlas
1. alieway [51] by c-67-186-6-86.hsd1.pa.comcast.net (Tom 7).