1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
A  - - - - - D E E B D O L L A R
B  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O
C  - - G R A N N T - - - - S - T
D  - - A - - - - R - - - - H - A
E  - - P - - - Q U E U Y - A - B
F  - - T - - - - N - - - - Z - E
G  - - A - - - - G O O O O A L S
H  - - V - - - T E N - - - M - E
I  S - E - - - H Y I - - - - I -
J  W - - - - - U - F - W R U P I
K  E - - - - - E - O - - - - O -
L  N - - - - C R I S K I T - V -
M  N - - - - - D - E - - - - A -
N  I - - - - D J I X T I M A L -
O  G R E F I C E - - - - - - - -

Game 23, Score: 884 tray:

16. thuerdje [46] by core.apt.ri.cmu.edu.
15. wrupi [12] by magrathea.wv.cc.cmu.edu (bblom): unit of money
14. ipoval [12] by cmu-375638.wv.cc.cmu.edu (wrensh): unit of money
13. gaptave [15] by cmu-335084.wv.cc.cmu.edu (FlamminFinge): two discontinuous musical intervals
12. deebdollar [120] by cmu-375638.wv.cc.cmu.edu (wrensh): unit of money
11. rotabese [158] by magrathea.wv.cc.cmu.edu (bblom): morbidly spherical
10. grannt [28] by cmu-375638.wv.cc.cmu.edu (wrensh): unnit of monney
9. criskit [28] by cmu-335084.wv.cc.cmu.edu (FlamminFinge): a thin, crunchy whole wheat wafer that has not been seasoned (British: a small cake)
8. swennig [100] by mrph.andrew.cmu.edu (bblom): swennig: four o'clock in the morning (see 'brillig'). grefice: a particular flash-freezing process responsible for the patterns in glacial floes
7. queuy [16] by pool-71-182-248-63.pitbpa.east.verizon.net (Passival): Of or pertaining to queueueueues
6. shazam [80] by magrathea.wv.cc.cmu.edu (bblom): a checksumming of checksums - "don't forget to 'zamine that SHA!"
5. refice [29] by 216-239-45-4.google.com: fice: to add a feature. refice: to add a feature again, on discovering the first attempt was buggy.
4. djixtimal [118] by mrph.andrew.cmu.edu (bblom): the ultimate element in a hemi-list found by a djixtral search (courtesy edzger djixstra)
3. gooooal [9] by c-67-186-6-86.hsd1.pa.comcast.net (Tom 7).
2. onifosex [93] by mrph.andrew.cmu.edu (bblom).
1. rungey [20] by c-67-186-6-86.hsd1.pa.comcast.net (Tom 7).