1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
A  E - - - - - - A I R Y Z - - -
B  U N S V O N N D T - - - - - -
C  F - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D  I - F I I I X - - - - J - - -
E  G - - - - - O - - - - U - - -
F  H A V O T I C - - - Q U E A K
G  O - - M - - A B - - - D - - -
H  R - - E - - I I N D E M P T L
I  O - - L - - R T - - - E - - U
J  C - G A - - G T - - - S - - D
K  E - Y S - - - E - - - S - - I
L  - - R - - - - R W H A R B O N
M  - - E - O W A N E E L - L - A
N  - - - - - - - A - - - - O - T
O  - - - - - - - P - - - - E - E

Game 30, Score: 1142 tray:

16. bloe [12] by pool-71-182-248-63.pitbpa.east.verizon.net (wrensh): To induce floe
15. queak [20] by gs8519.sp.cs.cmu.edu (chrisamaphon): the sound a mouseduck makes
14. bitternap [93] by concordia.wv.cc.cmu.edu (simmons): revenge naptime!
13. airyz [89] by mrph.andrew.cmu.edu (bblom): killed by sefyrauth in fynal fantasee VII
12. unsvonndt [80] by c-67-163-157-55.hsd1.pa.comcast.net (gyre&gimble): An overall impression of unsettling political and cultural mores, described in German didactic theories of the early 1910s
11. gyre [33] by magrathea.wv.cc.cmu.edu (bblom): to form into a pita sandwich
10. ludinate [148] by cmu-375638.wv.cc.cmu.edu (wrensh): to gamify
9. omelas [9] by magrathea.wv.cc.cmu.edu (bblom): a town in which the suffering of an innocent child drives mass-production of egg pancakes
8. eufighoroce [289] by cmu-375638.wv.cc.cmu.edu (wrensh).
7. owaneel [59] by mrph.andrew.cmu.edu (bblom): exclamation of unsuspecting scuba divers
6. fiiix [30] by pool-71-182-248-63.pitbpa.east.verizon.net (chrisamaphon): moooom, fiiiiix it
5. havotic [24] by static-96-235-41-115.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net (legged).
4. wharbon [16] by magrathea.wv.cc.cmu.edu (bblom): a small noisemaker designed to be worn in one's hair or on collar ruffs
3. xocairg [59] by cpe-74-67-198-14.twcny.res.rr.com (Shelby).
2. juudmessr [126] by mrph.andrew.cmu.edu (bblom): a subservant in high-caste dining parties - typically one who tends to napkin arrangement artwork.
1. indempt [55] by dynamic-acs-24-101-60-230.zoominternet.net.