1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
A  K - - - - - - C L A V E - - -
B  I - - - - - - - O - - - - - -
C  T - - - - J - - W H E L P - -
D  S O U S - I - - - - - E - - -
E  - - - L I N E R - - - M E - -
F  C - - A - - - - - T - O X - A
G  U - - T - - - - - H - N - - Z
H  L I V E - W A R N E R S - D O
I  T - E - - E - O - O - - D A -
J  - - G A R B - T - R I D E - -
K  - B I - - - Q U E Y - - A - -
L  - O E - - - U N - - - P R I G
M  - O - - - - I D - - - - - - -
N  - M - - - - N A - - - - - - -
O  - Y - - - - - S T A F F I N G

Game 10 Score: 782 Tray:

27. cult [6] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
26. prig [18] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
25. jin [26] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
24. azo [45] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
23. da [8] by 104-136-179-13.biz.bhn.net.
22. clave [39] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue): seems like a full triple-triple isn't gonna happen this late in the game so taking this
21. liner [5] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
20. dear [14] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
19. rid [4] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ): make sure you hit "no words possible" as at some point that will connect with the bot...and it's over. Tom doesn't seem to be around now to "fix" ....btw excellent play.
18. staffing [248] by 177-069-102-057.static.ctbctelecom.com.br (Leandro.RPG): too much games bugged with a letter Q, that Q bugs everything if not used carefully, when it appears try to make words like QAT, QATS, QUAG, anything but burn that Q first to not lock the games, please
17. boomy [28] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
16. kits [24] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
15. sous [20] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
14. late [4] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
13. live [24] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
12. vegie [24] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
11. arb [5] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
10. ex [54] by 104-136-179-13.biz.bhn.net.
9. web [11] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
8. quin [22] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
7. theory [13] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
6. ow [19] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
5. quey [15] by 104-136-179-13.biz.bhn.net.
4. help [34] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
3. lemons [16] by 104-136-179-13.biz.bhn.net.
2. rotunda [9] by c-69-137-143-20.hsd1.pa.comcast.net.
1. warners [47] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.