1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
A  - - - - - B I Z - - - - - - H
B  - - - - - O - O - - - - B - E
C  - - R - O X - O - - P - E - H
D  - G U N K - - - - J O I N T S
E  - U N - - - - - - - V - D - -
F  - I - - G I F T - - E - S - -
G  C L O S E - - - - - R - - - -
H  - E - - T E A S - - T A I L -
I  - - - - - - W E E D Y - - - D
J  - - - - - - - P - - - - - - O
K  - - - - - - - A - A W - - - R
L  F - - G I E - L U N E - A R M
M  A Q U A - - - I - D A V Y - A
N  R - - I - - - N - - L - E O N
O  M - - T R I C E - - - - - - T

Game 14 Score: 718 Tray:

32. gie [4] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
31. run [8] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
30. bends [20] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
29. hehs [47] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
28. close [7] by 104-136-179-13.biz.bhn.net.
27. eon [11] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
26. dormant [72] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
25. joint [24] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
24. tail [5] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
23. poverty [50] by 177-069-102-057.static.ctbctelecom.com.br (Leandro.RPG).
22. ar [6] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ): Graue, I spend a bit of time "looking" to see where best...
21. farm [39] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
20. zoo [12] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue): nice, i was hoping you'd do that!
19. davy [36] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
18. weal [7] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
17. aqua [26] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
16. biz [54] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
15. gift [9] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
14. gait [20] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
13. ox [50] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
12. ok [6] by 104-136-179-13.biz.bhn.net.
11. rice [6] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
10. gunk [18] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
9. guile [6] by 104-136-179-13.biz.bhn.net.
8. ice [5] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
7. aw [12] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
6. get [4] by (Graue).
5. lune [4] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
4. lose [7] by (Graue).
3. teas [9] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ): nice start
2. weed [18] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
1. sepaline [116] by c-75-74-51-17.hsd1.fl.comcast.net.