1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
A  I N B E I N G S - - - P U N T
B  N - - - - - - O G I V E - - A
C  T - - - - - - - - - - - - H E
D  E - - - - - - - - - - - - I -
E  R - - - - - - - - - F - - N -
F  R E F L O W E R - - I - - G -
G  A - - - - - - - - - D U N E -
H  C - - - - - - A M M O - - D O
I  I - - - - - - Q U A - - - - X
J  A - Z E D - - U - - - - C - I
K  L - E - - S - A V O W - L I D
L  L - S - - T I E - P - - O - E
M  Y E T - - A - - - T O R T - -
N  - R - - - R - - O - - - - - -
O  J A B - - S H A K Y - - - - -

Game 5 Score: 844 Tray:

30. lid [4] by c-75-74-51-17.hsd1.fl.comcast.net.
29. ok [7] by 104-136-179-013.biz.spectrum.com.
28. oxide [14] by ec2-3-81-40-213.compute-1.amazonaws.com.
27. zed [13] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
26. clot [32] by c-75-74-51-17.hsd1.fl.comcast.net.
25. zest [76] by ec2-3-81-40-213.compute-1.amazonaws.com.
24. reflower [51] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue).
23. jab [36] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
22. a [4] by 104-136-179-013.biz.spectrum.com.
21. er [8] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
20. interracially [18] by 104-136-179-013.biz.spectrum.com.
19. tor [3] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ): excellent
18. interracial [142] by ec2-3-81-40-213.compute-1.amazonaws.com.
17. inbeings [164] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ): I look at those games when I get to them...thanks in advance of game 13
16. ogive [9] by ec2-99-79-45-161.ca-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com.
15. shaky [47] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
14. give [14] by ec2-99-79-45-161.ca-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com.
13. star [6] by 52-119-123-120.public.monkeybrains.net (Graue): disregard my comment on game 6. I got distracted and mistook a letter on the board for being in the hand. also, since I forgot to say it over there, excellent play on game 13, Catherine
12. tie [19] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
11. opt [7] by 104-136-179-013.biz.spectrum.com.
10. fido [8] by ec2-99-79-45-161.ca-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com.
9. ox [36] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
8. avow [10] by ec2-35-183-145-200.ca-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com.
7. qua [24] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
6. aqua [13] by 104-136-179-013.biz.spectrum.com.
5. punt [36] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
4. ae [7] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
3. hinged [11] by ool-18bb1739.dyn.optonline.net.
2. dune [9] by dynamic-cpe-pool.orcon.net.nz (Catherine/NZ).
1. ammo [16] by 104-136-179-013.biz.spectrum.com.